The March 20, 2025 Regular Board Meeting will be held in person and via video conference at 160 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL Room N-502 and Illinois Pollution Control Springfield Board Hearing Room at 11:00 a.m.
Generally, Board documents, except personnel records, are available on this website. If you cannot find the information that you are looking for on the website, please contact the Clerk’s Office at 312-814-3620 for assistance. An informal request for information may be made to the Clerk’s Office. Upon receiving an informal request, the Clerk’s Office will fill it promptly.
If you wish to make a formal request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), you must submit your request in writing to Marie Tipsord, FOIA Officer, Illinois Pollution Control Board at 60 E. Van Buren St., Ste. 630, Chicago, Illinois 60605, or by email at For information supplied in response to a formal request, the Board will charge fees to the requester under FOIA. For more information about fees and formal requests, please refer to FOIA below and the Board’s Title 2 administrative rules.
Disclaimer. The text provided on this page is directly linked from the Illinois General Assembly’s website, which states: “This site contains provisions of the Illinois Compiled Statutes from databases that were created for the use of the members and staff of the Illinois General Assembly. The provisions have NOT been edited for publication, and are NOT in any sense the ‘official’ text of the Illinois Compiled Statutes as enacted into law. The accuracy of any specific provision originating from this site cannot be assured, and you are urged to consult the official documents or contact legal counsel of your choice. This site should not be cited as an official or authoritative source. Court decisions may affect the interpretation and constitutionality of statutes.”
Click here for the FOIA statute on the Illinois General Assembly website