The March 20, 2025 Regular Board Meeting will be held in person and via video conference at 160 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL Room N-502 and Illinois Pollution Control Springfield Board Hearing Room at 11:00 a.m.
Generally, the Board holds two open meetings each month, usually on the first and third Thursday of the month. At an open meeting, the Board may vote on matters appearing on the meeting’s agenda. The Board posts its open meeting agenda here at least 48 hours before the meeting begins. That agenda typically remains posted until it is replaced by the agenda for the next open meeting.
Under Section 2(c)(4) of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(4)), the Board may hold a meeting closed to the public —called a “Closed Deliberative Session” (CDS)—to consider an adjudicatory case that had a public hearing. The Board posts its CDS agenda here at least 48 hours before the CDS begins. That agenda typically remains posted until it is replaced by the agenda for the next CDS.
The Board holds a “Brown Bag Lunch” (BBL) series for the public and environmental professionals to hear from speakers on a wide array of topics. The Board posts the BBL agenda here at least 48 hours before the BBL begins. That agenda typically remains posted until it is replaced by the agenda for the next BBL.
2025 Board Meeting Dates