The March 20, 2025 Regular Board Meeting will be held in person and via video conference at 160 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL Room N-502 and Illinois Pollution Control Springfield Board Hearing Room at 11:00 a.m.
Board member Angela Tin was appointed to the Illinois Pollution Control Board by Governor JB Pritzker in December 2024. She has worked in environmental and health programs for her entire professional career.
Angela started at the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency writing wastewater permits. She moved to management of compliance for Hazardous and Solid Waste and then to the Leaking Underground Storage Tank section overseeing remediation and reimbursement. Angela then managed air pollution compliance for facilities and requirements for asbestos, stage II vapor recovery, emissions stack testing, Title V fees, and review of variance and adjusted standards. As policy advisor to the Director, she helped to develop regulations, technical and guidance documents concerning lead-based paint removal on steel structures. She served on the implementation team for the Illinois EPA Emissions Reduction Market System, the first open market emissions trading program in the nation.
Her next efforts were at the American Lung Association to secure funding through government and private grants to implement projects to bring about actual air emission reductions to improve lung health. This included reducing petroleum fuel usage with alternative fuels and technologies. She also championed indoor air pollution programs such as radon abatement and healthy homes.Angela received a Bachelor’s degree in Physiology from Southern Illinois University and a Master’s degree in Cell Biology from the University of Illinois Springfield.