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More Information
Case Files
Contents of R2012-023
R12-023 O&O 041714
R12-023 O&O 080714
R12-023 O&O 110713
R12-023 Order 031512
R12-023 Order 071014
R12-23 JCAR 04-24-14
R12-23 JCAR 02-11-14
R12-23 JCAR 11-27-13
r12-23 jcar 5-23-14
R12-23 JCAR 7-24-14
R12-23 Jcar 7/25/14
R12-23 jcar public comment 3047 07-3-14
R12-23 pc17 01-16-13
R12-23 pc17 01-16-13
R12-23 pc18 01-16-13
R12-23 pc19 1-16-13
R12-23 SOS 08-20-14
R12-23 SOS 11-27-13
R12-23 transcript 082812
R12-23 transcript 10-22-12
R12-23 transcript 10-30-12
R12-23 transcript 11-13-12
R12-23 transcript 11-28-12
R12-23,010813 PC# 16 Cmts_of_Dr_John_Ikerd
R12-23,011014 PC# 31
R12-23,011314 PC# 1011 - 1052
R12-23,011314 PC# 1053 - 1092
R12-23,011314 PC# 1093 - 1132
R12-23,011314 PC# 1133 - 1174
R12-23,011314 PC# 1175
R12-23,011314 PC# 120 - 161
R12-23,011314 PC# 162 - 203
R12-23,011314 PC# 204 - 241
R12-23,011314 PC# 242 - 283
R12-23,011314 PC# 284 - 323
R12-23,011314 PC# 32 - 37
R12-23,011314 PC# 324 - 363
R12-23,011314 PC# 364 - 403
R12-23,011314 PC# 38 - 79
R12-23,011314 PC# 404 - 435
R12-23,011314 PC# 436 - 469
R12-23,011314 PC# 470 - 511
R12-23,011314 PC# 512 - 553
R12-23,011314 PC# 554 - 593
R12-23,011314 PC# 594 - 635
R12-23,011314 PC# 636 - 677
R12-23,011314 PC# 678 - 721
R12-23,011314 PC# 722 - 785
R12-23,011314 PC# 786 - 823
R12-23,011314 PC# 80 - 119
R12-23,011314 PC# 824 - 869
R12-23,011314 PC# 870 - 911
R12-23,011314 PC# 912 - 963
R12-23,011314 PC# 964 - 1010
R12-23,011414 PC# 1176 - 1217
R12-23,011414 PC# 1218 - 1259
R12-23,011414 PC# 1260 - 1301
R12-23,011414 PC# 1302 - 1343
R12-23,011414 PC# 1344 - 1391
R12-23,011414 PC# 1392 - 1437
R12-23,011414 PC# 1438 - 1493
R12-23,011414 PC# 1494 - 1529
R12-23,011414 PC# 1530 - 1571
R12-23,011414 PC# 1572 - 1619
R12-23,011414 PC# 1620 - 1669
R12-23,011414 PC# 1670 - 1719
R12-23,011414 PC# 1720 - 1769
R12-23,011414 PC# 1770
R12-23,011514 PC# 1771 - 1804
R12-23,011514 PC# 1805 - 1840
R12-23,011514 PC# 1841 - 1870
R12-23,011514 PC# 1871 - 1875
R12-23,011613 PC# 20 Environmental Groups
R12 23,011613 PC# 20 env group Attachment 3
R12 23,011613 PC# 20 env group Attachment 6
R12-23,011613 Res to AG Coalition Motion
R12-23,011614 PC# 1876 - 1911
R12-23,011614 PC# 1888
R12-23,011614 PC# 1912 - 1949
R12-23,011614 PC# 1950 - 1993
R12-23,011614 PC# 1994 - 2030
R12-23,011614 PC# 2031 - 2088
R12-23,011714 PC# 2089 - 2128
R12-23,011714 PC# 2129 - 2164
R12-23,011813 PC# 21
R12-23,011813 PC# 22
R12-23,011813 PC# 23
R12-23,011813 PC# 24
R12-23,011813 PC# 25
R12-23,011813 PC# 26
R12-23,012114 PC# 2165 - 2200
R12-23,012114 PC# 2201 - 2228
R12-23,012214 PC# 2229 - 2246
R12-23,012813 PC# 27
R12-23,012914 PC# 2247 - 2290
R12-23,012914 PC# 2665 - 2708
R12-23,012914 PC# 2709 - 2746
R12-23,012914 PC# 2747 - 2789
R12-23,012914 PC# 2790 - 2835
R12-23,012914 PC# 2836 - 2883
R12-23,012914 PC# 2884 - 2939
R12-23,012914 PC# 2940 - 2973
R12-23,012914 PC# 2974 - 3008
R12-23,012914 PC# 3009 - 3023
R12-23,012914 PC# 3024 - 3026
R12-23,013013 PC# 28 AgCoalitn Cmts
R12-23,013013 PC# 29 Env Groups Response_Jan 30 2013
R12-23,013014 PC# 3033 Signatures
R12-23,013014 PC# 2291 - 2336
R12-23,013014 PC# 2337 - 2380
R12-23,013014 PC# 2381 - 2428
R12-23,013014 PC# 2429 - 2480
R12-23,013014 PC# 2481 - 2526
R12-23,013014 PC# 2527 - 2574
R12-23,013014 PC# 2575 - 2612
R12-23,013014 PC# 2613 - 2664
R12-23,013014 PC# 3027 IEPA FrstNtcCmts
R12-23,013014 PC# 3028 LgWmnVoters
R12-23,013014 PC# 3029
R12-23,013014 PC# 3030 Cmts Ag Coalition
R12-23,013014 PC# 3031 Env_Groups_Frst NtcCmts
R12-23,013014 PC3 3032
R12-23,020314 PC# 3034
R12-23,020414 PC# 3035 Megan Lundy-Stauffer
R12-23,020514 PC# 3036 SylvieBendier
R12-23,020714 PC# 3037
R12-23,021914 PC# 3038
R12-23,022014 PC# 3039
R12-23,022114 PC# 3040 AgCoaltnRspnsEnvGrpFrstNtcCmts
R12-23,022114 PC# 3041 Enviro_Groups_Response_to_First_Notice_Comment
R12-23,022114 PC# 3042 Frst NtcCmts IEPA with_Attachemnt_A
R12-23,030112 RulesParts 501,502,504
R12-23,030112 StmtRsns, Etc Initial Filing
R12-23,030112 TechSprtDoc
R12-23,030112 TechSprtDoc
R12-23,031214 PC# 3043
R12-23,032212 DCEO Ltr Rqst EIS
R12-23,040512 PC# 1
R12-23,040814 PC# 3044
R12-23,040814 PC# 3045
R12-23,040912 PC# 2
R12-23,040914 PC# 3046
R12-23,041812 PC# 3
R12-23,050112 PC# 4
R12-23,0517612 PC# 5
R12-23,052714 PC# 3047
R12-23,061812 Tstmny BY Etc
R12-23,061912 PfldTstmny KaitschukAprnc CM
R12-23,07/17/2012 PfldQstns
R12-23,071414 PC# 3048
R12-23,071712 IAC Qstns IEPA
R12-23,081412 Agncy Answrs
R12-23,082112 Xbt 12-19
R12-23,082112 Xbt 20
R12-23,082112 Xbt 9-11
R12-23,082312 Hrng Xbt List
R12-23,082514 PC# 3049
R12-23,091712 AgncyMtnCrctTrnscrpt
R12-23,092512 AgCoaltnMtn Changes AGncy Etc
R12-23,100912 EnvGrps Motion for Extension
R12-23,100912 PC# 6 AgncyCmts Etc
R12-23,100912 PfldTstmny T Funk
R12-23,101612 ELPC 3 PfldTstmnys
R12-23,101612 James Att 10-18
R12-23,101612 James Att 19-22
R12-23,101612 James Att 23-36
R12-23,101612 James Att 37-45
R12-23,101612 S JamesTstmny,Att 1-9
R12-23,101612,Updtd 102412 Prlfd Testimony, S.V. Panno
R12-23,101712 EnvGrp ProppsdAmndmts 501,502
R12-23,103112 PfldTstmny JRL
R12-23,110112 PC# 10
R12-23,110112 PC# 7
R12-23,110112 PC# 8
R12-23,110112 PC# 9
R12-23,110512 LawferLetter
R12-23,110712 Keefer_CAFOtestimony20121106
R12-23,110712 PfldTestimony of Stacy James
R12-23,110712 PfldTstmny Gldsmith, Trainor
R12-23,110812 IEPA Prfld Answers, etc
R12-23,111412 PC# 11, PfldTstmny Gldsmith
R12-23,111412 PC# 12
R12-23,111412 PC# 13
R12-23,111412 PC# 14
R12-23,111412 Xbt 24
R12-23,111912 PC# 15
R12-23,122313 PC# 30 from NRCS