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R12-23,011813 PC# 21
Handle: Document-78702
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 02:54:56 PM CST
Thursday, January 31, 2013 10:43:49 AM CST
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  • IPCB Additional Comments, January 16, 2013
Samuel V.
  • Panno
7’’ These comments are provided as clarification of my testimony at the Illinois Pollution ControlBoard hearing of October 30, 2012 in DeKaib, IL and with regard to testimony by Mr.
  • Engineering, University
of Illinois), and Ya Zhang (a graduate student under Dr.
  • In sand and gravel deposits near streams, amphipods have been observed living within the
groundwater of the sand and gravels at depths of over 15 feet (Tim Young, ISGS, personalcommunications).
  • All require oxygen to survive.
  • Manning from the Illinois Department of Agriculture asked what the cost to the “average
farmer” would be for determining the depth of...
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Appears In: R2012-023
Preferred Version: PCB 12-23,011813 PC# 21.pdf