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Board Adopts for First-Notice Proposed Rules on Hearings in Identical In Substance Rulemakings
January 21, 2010 - The Board, on January 21, 2010, proposed for first notice rules that would allow videoconference hearings in rulemaking proceedings pursuant to Section 7.2 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2 (2008)). The proposal is docketed as In the Matter of: Proposed Amendment to Procedural Rules on Hearings in Identical in Substances Rulemakings (R10-18).
Handle: Document-86414
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 02:38:29 PM CDT
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 02:38:55 PM CDT
Modified By: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
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  • Board Adopts for First-Notice Proposed Rules on Hearings in Identical In
Substance RulemakingsThe Board, on January 21, 2010, proposed for first notice rules that would allowvideoconference hearings in rulemaking proceedings pursuant to Section 7.2 of theEnvironmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2 (2008)).
  • The proposal is docketed
as In the Matter of: Proposed Amendment to Procedural Rules on Hearings in Identicalin Substances Rulemakings (R10-18).
  • Traditionally, the Board holds public hearings at one location in rulemakings that amend
the definition of volatile organic material (VOM) pursuant to the Act.
  • The
Board is not required to hold hearings in these hearings, how...
Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) - application/pdf
ProRuleIIS 10-18 100121.pdf
Appears In: Calendar Year 2010
Preferred Version: Board Adopts for First-Notice Proposed Rules on Hearings in Identical In Substance Rulemakings