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Board Adopts Second-Notice Proposal for New Rules for Cleaning Agent Authorizations under the Regulation of Phosphorus in Detergents Act
June 3, 2010 - On June 3, 2010, the Illinois Pollution Control Board proposed new rules for second notice review by the Joint Committee on Administrative Review (JCAR) as provided by the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. The rulemaking proposal is docketed as In the Matter of: Procedural Rules for Authorizations Under P.A. 95-115 (Regulation of Phosphorus in Detergents Act): New 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart H, (R10-19). The Board made only one substantive change in response to public comment, as described below.
Handle: Document-86412
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 02:36:03 PM CDT
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 02:36:43 PM CDT
Modified By: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
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  • Board Adopts Second-Notice Proposal for New Rules for Cleaning Agent
Authorizations under the Regulation of Phosphorus in Detergents ActOn June 3, 2010, the Illinois Pollution Control Board proposed new rules for secondnotice review by the Joint Committee on Administrative Review (JCAR) as provided bythe Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
  • These proposed rules apply to Board authorizations made under the Regulation of
Phosphorus in Detergents Act which prohibits the manufacture, distribution, sale, and useof “any cleaning agent” that contains more than 0.5% phosphorus by weight, expressedas elemental phosphorus after July 1, 2010.
  • Unlike other types of determinations in Part
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Phosphorus 10-19 100603.pdf
Appears In: Calendar Year 2010
Preferred Version: Board Adopts Second-Notice Proposal for New Rules for Cleaning Agent Authorizations under the Regulation of Phosphorus in Detergents Act