| ICAQ OFFICEXaciesR.1O(We’ ndo1pS ll4-369I4-6t32;L wwwjb.statcil.!s::v....- On August 6, 2009, the Board accepted for hearing a rulemaking entitled:
Request for Economic Impact Study for: Financial Assurance Instruments—Renewal and Terms: Amendments to 35 Ill.- The Agency further stated that the revisions would make the
landfill financial assurance rules more consistent with the similar provisionspertaining to hazardous waste and other facilities.- The Board will proceed to first notice under the Illinois Administrative
Procedure Act (5 ILCS 100/5 et. Adm. Code807.Subpart F, 810.104, and 81 1.Subpart G, R10-9Dear Director Ribley: ... |