) IN THE MATTER OF: )) AS 08-10RCRA DELISTING ADJUSTED STANDARD ) (Adjusted Standard - Land)PETITION OF PEORIA DISPOSAL COMPANY )) COMMENTS OF PEORIA FAMILIES AGAINST TOXIC WASTE ANDHEART OF ILLINOIS SIERRA CLUBPeoria Families Against Toxic Waste ("PFATW"), and Heart of Illinois Sierra Club("Sierra Club")(collectively "Opposition Groups"), by and through their attorneys,Hasselberg, Williams, Grebe, Snodgrass & Birdsall, respectfully state and submit thefollowing regarding the above-captioned Petition of the Peoria Disposal Compa...
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AS 08-10,092608 PC # 301 Comments_of_PFATW.HIOSC.Delisting.Petition.09.25.pdf