MAR 1 3 2008STATE OF ILLINOISPollution Control BoardLisa Madigan \ I I 0121N1.1 (1 NI 12 \I, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERALSTATE OF ILLINOISMarch 11, 2008John T.
Therriault, Assistant Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control BoardJames R.
Thompson Center, Ste.
Charles R.
Dear Clerk:Enclosed for filing please find the original and ten copies of a Notice of Filing, Entry ofAppearance and Complaint in regard to the above-captioned matter.
Thank you for your cooperation and consideration.
Very truly•rs,500 South Second Street, Springfield, Illinois 62706 • (217) 782-1090 • "rTY: (217) 785-2771 • Fax: (2171 782-7046omanEnvironmental Bu...
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