On July 14, 1982 the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA) published notice (47 Fed.
52801) .
On July 23, 1982, USEPA published notice (47 Fed .
Reg .
31876) of the adoption of an amendment to New Source Performance
Standards : Subpart A--General Provisions ; §60.16--Prioritylist; 40 C.F.R. Part 60. IT IS SO ORDERED . I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois PollutionControl 1~oard, hereby certify hat the above Order was adoptedo~ the day of , 1982 by a vote of0 Christan L. Mof ~ rkIllinois Polluti0 Control BoardILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARDAugust 5, 1982IN THE MATTER OF: ) ...
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