| ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD CLERK~SOFFICENovemb~r8, 2.004 ....IN THE MATTER OF ) PO Control BoardSTANDARDS FOR UMVERSAL WASTE ) R05-8MANAGEMENT, AMENDMENTS TO 35 ) (Rulemaking - Land)ILL.- Clerk ofthe Board, at 100 West Randolph St., Suite 11-500,
Chicago, Illinois 60601, at telephone number 312/814-6931, ±bxnumber 312/S14-3669.- comment period for this rulemaking will close by January 20, 2005.
- Persons who planto testify must prefile their testimony.
- The Agency shall prefile
testimony for the December 15,2004 hearing b~yDecember 8, 2004 and testimony for the Janu... |