| J UN 1 ~2OO~________________________STATE~‘~Uut~on OFContro~~LUNO~S~o~rdLINE NUMBERED VERSION~ki~.1 - ~‘ ~1 - --1- • IL.3) Section numbers: Proposed Acton:611.100 Amend611.102 Amend4) Statutory authority: 415 ILCS 5/7.2, 17, 17.5, and 27.- Reg.
- 74233) property owner that “submeters” water, i.e., that
distributes water to a limited number of tenants on itsown property, does not “sell” water within the meaningofSection 1411(3) ofSDWA (42 U.S.C.Thus, such a property owner is a not a public water ... |