Rod R BlagojevichCHAIRMANI PhilipNovak+~PRINGFIELD OFFICE~IO21North Grand~ EastP.O.
Box 19274
Spi~ngfie1d,IL62794-9274217-524-8500FAX.217-524-8508CHICAGO OFFICEJames R.
Thompson Center
100 West RandolphSuite 11-500Chicago, IL 60601312-814-3620TYYFAX 3.12-814-3669312-814-6032 Jack Lavin, DirectorDepartment ofCommerce and Economic Opportunity620 East Adams Street, S-6Springfield, Illinois 62704Re: Request for Economic Impact Study for: Proposed Amendments toRegulation of Petroleum Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (35111.
I am writing to request that you
determine whether your Department will conduct an economic impact studyconcerning this p...
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