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PCB 03-221,081403 PC12
Handle: Document-39782
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Friday, August 15, 2003 09:10:00 AM CDT
Friday, August 15, 2003 09:10:25 AM CDT
Modified By: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
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CLERK’S OFFYr’PAUG 1 4 2003PEGGY MOLITOR STATE OF IWNOISLollutLon,,,ContrQLB .a,rd100 Pine CircleCaiy, 1160013August 12, 2003Dorothy Gunnillinois Pollution Control BoardJames Thompson Center100 W Randolph StreetChicago, Illinois 60601illinois Pollution Board: / This letter is in regards to referencecase number CB 03-221 cannot attend the meeting beingheld inCaiy on August 14, 2003.
  • There are several reasons formy opposition to this application.
  • It makes no sense to put thisfacility where Mr.
  • Help us to keep it that way! If Mr.
  • Please makearecord ofmy opposition to this at...
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Appears In: PCB 03-221
Preferred Version: PCB 03-221,081403 PC12