AUG 1 4 2003
    LollutLon,,,ContrQLB .a,rd
    100 Pine Circle
    Caiy, 1160013
    August 12, 2003
    Dorothy Gunn
    illinois Pollution Control Board
    James Thompson Center
    100 W Randolph Street
    Chicago, Illinois 60601
    illinois Pollution Board:
    This letter is in regards to referencecase number
    cannot attendthe meeting beingheld in
    Caiy on August 14, 2003. ~am instead, writing thi lette
    voice my views. I am opposed to Mr. Lowe’s
    applicationfor agarbage transfer station on Route 14 in Cary.
    There are several reasons formy opposition to this application. I understand that there may be aneed for
    thiskind of facility but it is inappropriate to have thisfacility in a residential area where thereisjust an
    overwhelming amount ofdetrimental effects on this community. Pollution of our water, deathof wildlife
    in the adjacent conservation area, smell, loss ofproperty value andatremendous amount of unwanted
    traffic on an already over used road are just a
    Ofthe rippling effect problems concerned here.
    It makes no sense to put thisfacility where Mr. Lowe wants it. Caiy is aconununity of neighbors th~t
    have the overall welfare of Cary in their hearts andwant to raise their children in.a clean and quiet place.
    It is acommunity where older people can live out their years in apretty place andall of us that live here
    work very hard to make Cary aplaceyou want to cOme home to after working all day!
    Help us to keep it that way! If Mr. Lowe wants to have a garbage transfer station, let him put it in an
    appropriate place like an industrial park where it will not affect the environment andlife as we all know
    it. It makes no sense to me to give
    one personwhat he
    wants and sacrifice the
    good ofthe all.
    Please makearecord ofmy opposition to this atrocity.
    CC: Cameron Davis, Village Administrator, Village of Cary

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