March 22, 1990IN THE MATTER OF:UIC Update ) R905(7—1—89 through 12-31-89) ) (Identical in Substance Rules)ORDER OF THE BOARD (by J.
This matter is before the Board on the Boardts own motion.
The Notice of
Proposed Amendments appeared March 2, 1990, at 14 Ill.
34171 August 18, 1989
54 Fed.
This effectively reduced the time of interest for the
present docket to December 1 through 31, 1989. IT IS SO ORDERED.I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution ControlBoard, do hereby certify that the above Order was adopted on the~2’~ day of ~~i~L- , 1990, by a vote of 7~’ ...
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