In the Matter of: SDWA Update, USEPA Amendments (January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001)
Written Comments of Ms. Lou Allyn Byus, Assistant Manager - Field Operations, Division of Public Water Supplies, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
~F~EILLINOIS 627~C17E~ 2001October 19, 2001Dorothy M.
Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board100W.
This letter is a comment on a portion of Docket R02-5, which includes proposed languagefor adoption of the January 26, 2001 Federal Register promulgation of the arsenicregulation through the identical in substance process.
The Agency respectfully requests that the Board withdraw its proposal to~adoptthefederal
arsenic language until such time as final language has been determined by USEPA.
The Agency continues to review the remainder ofthe Docket, and will transmit comments
for the remaining portion under separate cover....
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