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AS 00-004 12/22/99 Transcript
IN THE MATTER OF: Petition of TAKASAGO INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (U.S.A.) for an Adjusted Standard from Ill Adm Code 302.208 and 304.105
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1 BEFORE THE ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD23 IN THE MATTER OF:4 Petition of TAKASAGO ) 5 INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (U.S.A.) )AS-00-4for an Adjusted Standard form )(Adjusted6 Ill Adm Code 302.208 and 304.105 ) Standard-water.)789 The following is a transcript of the10 proceedings held in the above-entitled matter taken11 stenographically before TERRY A.
12 notary public within and for the County of Cook and13 State of Illinois, taken before, Amy Muran Felton,14 Hearing Officer, at 698 Burnham Drive, University15 Park, Illinois, on the 22nd day of December, A.D.,16 1999, scheduled to commence at 10:30 o'clock a.m.,1...
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Preferred Version: AS 00-004 12/22/99 Transcript