Title: R 76-014 / R 76-019 07/24/80 Opinion
Summary: IN THE MATTER OF: PROPOSED AMENDMENT of RULES 101, 205, 206 and 209 of the NOISE
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Abstract: ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD July 24, 1980IN THE MATTER OF:PROPOSED AMENDMENT of RULES 101, ) R76—14205, 206 and 209 of the NOISE ) R76—19REGULATIONS ) FINAL OPINION OF THE BOARD (by Mr. Prior to those hearings, the Illinois Institute of Natural Resources filed economic impact studies regarding theproposed rule changes, Document No.A (primarily residential use) and Class B (primarily certaintypes of business use) receiving lands.dB(A) and sound level are deleted. However, over the years the Agency has received very few complaints from Class C farm l...
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Author: schroedk
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R 76-014
R 76-019
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R 76-014 / R 76-019 07/24/80 Opinion