- Filed Electronically –Printed on Recycled Paper per 35 Ill.
- (“CLI”), by and through it
undersigned attorneys, and as and for its Waiver of the Decision Deadline to March 19, 2015,
states as follows:
CLI hereby agreed to waive the decision deadline in this case until March 19, 2015.
- Adm.
- Code §§101.202 and 101.302(g) as Applicable.
- X EMAIL with confirmation by United States Mail ONLY
Via Federal Express - Express Package Service - Priority Overnight
Jennifer A.
- VanWie, Esq., Assistant Attorney General
Stephen Sylvester, Esq., Assistant Attorney General
Environmental Bureau
69 W. Washington St., Suite 1800
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Emails: jvanwie@atg.state.il.us