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R08-9(D),062413 IERG PFQforIEPA
Handle: Version-92144
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Tuesday, June 25, 2013 09:53:35 AM CDT
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 07:15:56 PM CDT
Modified By:
- BEFORE THE ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF: ) ) WATER QUALITY STANDARDS AND ) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS FOR THE ) ROS-9 (D) CHICAGOAREAWATERWAYSYSTEM) (Rulemaking- Water) AND LOWER DES PLAINES RIVER: ) PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO 35 ILL. - ) ADM. - Given that the existing water quality standards for General Use waters are protective of the aquatic life use goals of the CWA, what is the rationale for proposing more stringent standards for the Chicago Area Waterways ("CAWS") and Brandon Pool Aquatic Life Use B waters of the Lower Des P...
Appears In: R08-9(D),062413 IERG PFQforIEPA