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PCB 14-111 Order 032014
Handle: Version-83335
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Friday, March 21, 2014 01:33:31 PM CDT
Monday, September 24, 2018 01:40:14 PM CDT
Modified By:
- ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD March 20, 2014 SANITARY DISTRICT OF DECATUR Petitioner, v. - ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, Respondent. - For the reasons below, the Board grants the District’s motion to supplement. - Id. - The District makes it clear that the petition for extension of variance is only for its nickel discharges, not its zinc discharges since those are now in compliance. - In addition, the District contends that it submitted ADM’s June 2011 investigation report with the June 29, 2011 interim report to the Agency. IT IS SO ORDERED. I, John T. Therriault, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board adopted the above order on March 20,...
Appears In: PCB 14-111 Order 032014