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R14-023 O&O 021915
Handle: Version-80703
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Monday, February 23, 2015 04:28:53 PM CST
Friday, May 11, 2018 04:05:03 AM CDT
Modified By:
- ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD February 19, 2015 IN THE MATTER OF: STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR POTABLE WATER WELL SURVEYS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS ACTIVITIES PERFORMED IN CONJUNCTION WITH AGENCY NOTICES OF THREATS FROM CONTAMINATION: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO 35 ILL. - Below, the Board first provides the procedural background of this proceeding, before addressing the issues of the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness of the adopted rules. - The first hearing took place as scheduled on September 4, 2014, and the Board received the transcript (Tr.1) on September 9, 2014. - The Board received no comments during the first-notice comment period. - First Notice at 18. - The Bo...
Appears In: R14-023 O&O 021915