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R12-023(A) Order 110614
Handle: Version-79994
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Monday, November 10, 2014 01:37:20 PM CST
Thursday, May 10, 2018 06:57:30 PM CDT
Modified By:
- ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD November 6, 2014 IN THE MATTER OF: CONCENTRATED ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATIONS (CAFOs): PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO 35 ILL. - at 1-2. - Counsel stated that she “will be unable to prepare responses to the Board’s questions before November 3, 2014.” Id. - Adm. - Code 101.522. - The procedural rules also provide that, [w]ithin 14 days after service of a motion, a party may file a response to the motion. For the convenience of the participants, the Board restates that its October 2, 2014 order directed the Agency to submit written comments addressing matters including, but not limited to, those listed below. Also, please comment on whether the Agency’s database admi...
Appears In: R12-023(A) Order 110614