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R14-009 O&O 030614
Handle: Version-79377
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, March 6, 2014 11:40:54 AM CST
Thursday, May 10, 2018 12:38:04 AM CDT
Modified By:
- ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD March 6, 2014 IN THE MATTER OF: ) AMENDMENTS TO PRIMARY DRINKING WATER STANDARDS: 35 Ill. - PROCEDURAL HISTORY The Agency filed a rulemaking proposal on September 20, 2013. - The Board now proposes the amendments for second notice review by JCAR. - Id. - at 4-5; Pre-filed Testimony of Scott D. - Siders (Siders Testimony) at 2-3; Pre-filed Testimony of Michael B. Crumly (Crumly Testimony) at 4-5; Transcript of November 5, 2013 (Tr. See 40 C.F.R. 142.10 (2013). The Agency points out that the Act grants the Agency authority to establish and maintain such a program and to issue certifications to entities that meet...
Appears In: R14-009 O&O 030614