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AS 14-1,121213 Exhibit A, B
Handle: Version-79200
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Friday, December 13, 2013 11:14:48 AM CST
Wednesday, May 9, 2018 10:59:33 PM CDT
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- iLLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL F'ROTECTION AGENCY 1021 NoRrH CRAND ;\vENUE EAST, P.O. - Box 19276, SI'RINCFIELD, ILLINOIS (,2794-9276- ( 217) 71l2-J397 ]AMES R. - THOMPSON CENTER, 100 WEST RANDOLPH, SUITE I 1-300, CHI(t\GO, IL 60601 - (31 2) 81 4-6026 1\cm R. - 13LAGOJEVJCH, GovERNOR 2171782-0610 February 1, 2007 Southem Illinois Power Cooperative 11543 Lake of Egypt Road Marion, Illinois 62959 Re: Southern Illinois Power Cooperative - Marion Station NPDES Permit No. - T11e lllinois Environmental Protection Agency is ready and willing to assist you in interpreting any of the conditions of the Permit as they relate specifically to your discharge. - You have the right to appeal any condition o...
Appears In: AS 14-1,121213 Exhibit A, B