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Board Postpones Hearings in Proposal to Address Water Quality Standards and Criteria to Meet Aquatic Life Uses in the Chicago Area Waterway System and the Lower Des Plaines River
Handle: Version-79005
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 03:26:08 PM CDT
Wednesday, May 9, 2018 06:57:41 AM CDT
Modified By:
- Board Postpones Hearings in Proposal to Address Water Quality Standards and Criteria to Meet Aquatic Life Uses in the Chicago Area Waterway System and the Lower Des Plaines River On August 4, 2011, the Illinois Pollution Control Board delayed the hearings in subdocket D of the rulemaking docketed as In the Matter of: Water Quality Standards and Effluent Limitations for the Chicago Area Waterway System and Lower Des Plaines River: Proposed Amendments to 35 Ill. - The Board finds that delaying the hearings in Subdocket D until the Board goes to first notice in Subdocket C is appropriate. - This October 2007 Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) proposal would amend the Board’s ru...
Appears In: Board Postpones Hearings in Proposal to Address Water Quality Standards and Criteria to Meet Aquatic Life Uses in the Chicago Area Waterway System and the Lower Des Plaines River