Historical Sampling (2010-2011) Information Previously Sent to IEPA in July 2011(Tables 5-5.1, 5-5.2, 5-5.3, 5-5.4) Closed Collinsville LandfillPetition for Adjusted Standards Table 5-5.1Supplemental Permit Condition 6bClass I ConcentrationsClosed Collinsville LandfillMonitoring Location MW-1Compound Aug-10 Oct-10 I Feb-11 May-11 Class IList 1Temperature of Water (unfiltered F) 61.97 62.73 50.16 57.74 NASpec Cond.
Closed Collinsville Landfill
Petition for Adjusted Standards Table 5-5.1Supplemental Permit Condition 6bClass I ConcentrationsClosed Collinsville LandfillMonitoring Location MW-1Co...
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