EVIDENCE OF HISTORICAL MINING ACTIVITIESCLOSED COLLINSVILLE LANDFILLCOLLINSVILLE, ILLINOISElectronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office : 08/08/2014 **AS 15-1** EXHIBIT 1-1Deed to Landfill Site Showing Historical Presence of Coal MiningElectronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office : 08/08/2014 **AS 15-1** Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office : 08/08/2014 **AS 15-1**.Ji'i!Uf;J j~.J57THIS INDENTURE w.;;;.~;.::'l'NE_RA=s-~"""E=TR.....;;~"""E=:"~-.iJ-LLJ.~mMghiCoal Company, a corporation created and existing undeT and byvirtue of the 1•"'' of the State of Illinob duly aut:horhed tot:ranae.llt buainese in the S~te oE Ill.btaia 1 and pursu•nt toauthority Siv~n by ...
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