501 DIPPER LANE • DECATUR, ILLINOIS 62522 • 217/422-6931 ¦ FAX: 217/423-8171June 27, 2013Illinois Environmental Protection AgencyBureau of Water Compliance Assurance Section, MC #191021 North Grand Avenue EastP.O.
Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276Re; NPDES Permit IL00283211PCB Order PCB 09-125Interim ReportDear Sir or Madam:Enclosed is the Interim Report regarding compliance with nickel and zinc limits required bySpecial Condition 18 of the Sanitary District of Decatur's NPDES Permit and the PollutionControl Board Order in PCB 09-125.
Plant Influent and Effluent Sampling
Ongoing influent sampling for nickel and zinc continues at a f...
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