| Page 1ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD ECENE"May 7, 2014 CLERKSOFFicEMMAY 2 8 2014IN THE MATTER OF:NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITYSTANDARDS UPDATE, USEPAREGULATIONS (July 1, 2013 ) through December 31, 2013).ianC4/iNOtsBoara ) R14-17 ) (Identical-in-Substance ) Rulemaking - Air)REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS of the above-entitled causeheld at the James R.- Thompson Center, Illinois Pollution
Control Board hearing room, 100 West Randolph Street,Room 11-512, Chicago, Illinois, at 1:30 o'clock p.m.- on Wednesday, May 7, 2014.
- May 7, 2014
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