Ichthyoplankton (Primary Responsibility- John Ackerson)
Introduction:Ichthyoplankton is defined as small, planktonic stages offish (Snyder 1983).
Fish larval
stages are often represented in ichthyoplankton sampling.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office : 05/13/2014 - * * * PCB 2014-129 * * * Conical plankton netsTwo conical plankton nets were towed in tandem from the bow of the boat duringdaylight hours.
Each set required a minimum of
two hours.
Light trap construction included an !8. 9-L translucent, white, plastic chamber
illuminated by a !.5-V light bulb and charged by a 6-V lantern battery. A common criteria used for larval fishes identificatio...
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