I I linois Manufacturers’ Association www.irna-net.org
1211 West 22nd Street Suite 620 • Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 • 630-368-5300 Fax: 630-218-7467220 East Adams Street Springfield, Illinois 62701 21 7-522-1240 Fax: 217-522-2367Email: ima@ima-net.orgVDJuly 22, 2013 LEAK’S OFFICEJUL 232013Members of the Illinois Pollution Control Boardc/o John Therriault, Assistant Clerk pjTE OF ILLINOIS ç2Illinois Pollution Control Board Ontrol Boar100 W.
Randolph Street, Ste.
Illinois manufacturing companies employ nearly
600,000 workers and contribute the single largest share — 12.4 perc...
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