WATER QUALITY SECTIONATPEORIA, ILLINOISSWS Contract Report 260 WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENTAND WASTE ASSIMILATIVE ANALYSISOF THE LAGRANGE POOL, ILLINOIS RIVERBy Thomas Butts, Donald Roseboom, Thomas Hill,Shundar Lin, Davis Beuscher, Richard Twait, and Ralph EvansPrepared for the Illinois Division of Water Resourcesat the request of the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers
June 1981Electronic Filing - Recived, Clerk's Office : 04/12/2013 ANNOUNCING - A NEW PUBLICATION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE WATER SURVEYExecutive SummaryTITLE: Water Quality Assessment and Waste Assimilative Analysisof the LaGrange Pool, Illinois RiverAUTHORS: Thomas Butts, Donald Roseboo...
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