A}4BNDMENTS TO PROPOSED GRAIN HA}IDLING REC,ULATIOI.IS'Fa"<!at &)i4tL }"*rr ,t, lf i t203(d) (e) ,{ Amend Rule 203(d)(9)(a) to read as foLLows:A11 graln handliug operatlons and grain drylag operattoes regardLess of size must inpleuent and follow the following !-o.ur2.gFtgpfqfi1'-lr: i1.
Existing Cyclone Collectors
shall be checked daily to be sure they are operable noL
plugged aad cleaned as uecessary to Lnsure pr6Fc-a: operatloa,2.
Cleanlng and Haintenance
3loors sha11 be kept swept and cleaned fron boot pie ta
cupola floor. Roof or bin decks and other eNposed flat sur-faces should be kept clea...
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