| .Rul"e 103: PERMTT-S(b) 0PERATING PERI,IITS(2) E{I.s_rrNc E_l,gssroN lggsgEp.- (A) SOURCE CLASSIFICATION
Craln Handling Operations anCGrarn Dfying Operations ...p80.pos'!/€Bl,jr!.rt^*o',t.f * DATE OPEzu.TINGPERilIT REQUIRXD(i) EXEMPTT0NS: No pernit is required for the following cJ,asses of equlpnenr.- (17) Grain handling operhtions, excrusi-ve cf grain crr:ying operations,
with an annua,- grain through-put not exceeding 300,000 bushels.- (18) Grain drying operatrons
'irtr a tota.r. aggregare grain dryingcapaciEy noL exceeding 550 bushels per hour at 5ij lroisture extractiorlat rnanufacturerrs rated capacity"(19) Portable grain handLi... |