CONTROL BOARDNOflCE OF HEARINGPublic Notice is hereby giventhat the Pollution Control Boardwill hold a public hearing in thematter of Petition of MidwayRACs.
Room 11-512, Chica
The adjusted standaid
petition will require a SIPState Implementation Plan) revision.
us or by calling the Boards
Clerk at 312-814-3461.
nois.Thomas HolbrookChairman 234.l2gB4OS’lPOLLUTION CONTROL BOARD, ILLINOIS100W RANDOLPH ST 11-500DON BROWNCHICAGO, IL 60601-3218 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized, has causedthis Certificate to be signed and notarizedBy aDavid FontechiaAcc...
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