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AC 13-1,070912 AdmCtn Afdvt ODIC
Handle: Document-76455
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 04:33:40 PM CDT
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 04:34:28 PM CDT
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  • July5, 2012
t John Theniault, Clerk Illinois Pollution Control Board James R.
  • Thompson Center
100 West Randolph Street, Suite 11-500 Chicago, Illinois 60601 Re: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency v.
  • Anthony Koch
IEPA File No.
  • Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Sincerely,
i 1 ft2fw
Michelle M.
  • Ryan
Assistant Counsel Enclosures Rockiord • 4302 N. Main St. 146-12-AC) To: Anthony Koch 12909 Pipeline Road Carlyle, IL 62231 NOTICE OF FILING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on this date I mailed for filing with the Clerk of the Pollution Control Board of the State of Illinois the following instrument(s) entitled ADMINISTRATIVE CITATION, AFFIDAVIT, and OPEN DUMP INS...
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