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PCB 12-126,062712 PC# 66 - 107
Handle: Document-76437
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Monday, July 2, 2012 03:05:35 PM CDT
Monday, July 2, 2012 03:07:02 PM CDT
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Dear Control Board Members.
  • I object to Ameren’s Petition for a Variance.
  • PCB 2012-126.
  • In 2006, Illinois made history by passing a leading mercury pollution
reduction standard.
  • Ameren committed to a schedule for reducing its S02 and NOx
pollution in return for more time to make its mercury pollution reductions.
  • The state upheld its side of the deal, but now Ameren is trying to
stall cleaning up its coal plants like it promised to. Ameren committed to a schedule for reducing its S02 and NOx pollution in return for more time to make its mercury pollution reductions.
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PCB 12-126,062712 PC# 66 - 107.pdf
Appears In: PCB 2012-126PC
Preferred Version: PCB 12-126,062712 PC# 66 - 107.pdf