PCB1 1-58 ILLINOIS POLLUTIONCONTROL BOARDNOTICE OF PROPOSEDSTIPULATION ANDPROPOSAL FORSETTLEMENT OFENFORCEMENT CASEThe Attorney Generalhas brought acase against ZacharyIsaac dba Nu Shine CarWash and SamuelJohnson, forviola tion ofState pollution controlrules, On February 10.
person desiringthat ahear ingbe held maydemand apub lic hearing in thiscase by filing awritten hearingrequest with theIllinois Pollution Control Beardwithin 2) days after thepublica tion of this notice.
HobrookChairmanPub:2-23-12 2416330000246133-01 PCB1 1-58 $34.40 INWITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly aut...
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