IN THE MATTER OF:DIC UPDATE, USEPA AMENDMENTS(July 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010) ))))) Rll-14(Identical-in SubstanceRulemaking ~ Land)NOTICE OF FILINGTo:ClerkIllinois Pollution Control BoardJames R.
Thompson Center
100 West Randolph Street, Suite 11-500Chicago, Illiuois 60601(Electronic filing)Matthew J.
Office ofthe Attomey General69 West Washington Street, Suite 1800Chicago IL 60602Deborah ConnellyJoint Committee on Administrative RulesWm.
75 Fed.
77242. It noted that "[t]oday's final rule includes a new
subparagraph § l45.l(i) that establishes [US]EPA's intention to allow for independent pri...
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