ir, J .rirj:j).{ BEFORE THR POLLUTICIN CONTROLOT'THE STATE OF ILLINOISMabLer Of t,he Fetition t)f )l '"^ffi*H,ffiH,ffiYllgffi.}; r/ 0; is8jFtJlrilTt$}t il0ffiTtlft$No.
pet-i tioner' r; mariLlfac_
blclcks; its o[-rsga.Llonij are houseciZOnCr:liaI pur*The localion of the petitioner,t:he surrouncl .ing communi.t-y, andt,he peti t,ioner wi thin the l.ilt o:)::,:l+jtl.
A map of the community with Fetrtioner's loc;r,cion
identified is att,achec? 6, lilorgitrq is[.r.] i.shc-:c] Lhrougir eontrol 1ecl a shaping process, etcconil:ormation whic;tr pertna...
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