| Clifford-Jacobs Forging Company, Site SpecificNoiSe (Old Rule 206(dJ, Chapter 8)PUBLIC COMMENTs~--------------------------------------Date B_y:1.Engineering Dynamics Inlernationa1 ·--------------·-------------------~--·········BEFORE THE POLLUTION In The Matter Of the Petition OfCLIFFORD-JACOBS FORGING CO.- ---~----.:......~Rule 206 (d) (2) (A)
The location o: the Petitioner, a description ofthe surrounding communi ''Y• and a map locatingthe Petitioner within the community,3.- The Petitioner is, and has been s i nee 19 23, located
in a ruraJ area in Champaign, Illinois.- 5.
- A map of the community with Petitioner's lo...