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R12-13,102811 Prt 180,383,387,390,391,392,393,395,396 and 397
Handle: Document-74099
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Friday, October 28, 2011 04:05:16 PM CDT
Wednesday, December 7, 2011 01:18:50 PM CST
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  • -; J
  • (4) Before exposure to the simulated torch,
none of the temperature recording devicesmay indicate a plate temperature in excessof 37.8°C (100 °F) or less than 0°C (32 °F).
  • (5) A minimum of two thermocouples must
indicate 427 °C (800 °F) in four minutes, plusor-minus 30 seconds, of torch simulation exposure.
  • 180.3 General requirements.
  • Subpart B [Reservedi
Subpart C—Qualification, Maintenanceand Use of Cylinders180.201 Applicability.
  • Subpart E—Qualification and Maintenance
of Cargo Tanks180.401 Applicability. 180.503 Definitions.180.505 Quality assurance program.
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R12-13,102811 Pt 180 thru 397.pdf
Appears In: R2012-013
Preferred Version: R12-13,102811 Prt 180, 383, 387, and 390