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R08-9(A,B),091011 PC# 1070-1099
Handle: Document-73248
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 09:52:30 AM CDT
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 09:53:08 AM CDT
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Dear Mr.
  • Therriauit,
As a supporter of American Rivers, I am writing to ask you to kiM the pathogens that are contained in the sewage reieased into the Chicago River every day.
  • The law cieariy states that we need
to ke trying until we get it right.
  • like kids, who have a
higher risk of contracting a waterborne illness and have no way of knowing what is in the water.
  • We support the
national and state EPA, and call on you to take responsibility for cleaning up the sewage effluent in Chicago’s water.
  • Due to this pollution concern, American
Rivers has named the Chicago River one of America’s Most Endangered RiversTM of 2011.
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R08-9(A,B),091011 PC# 1070-1099.pdf
Appears In: R2008-009A
Preferred Version: R08-9(A,B),091011 PC# 1070-1099.pdf