It.LlNOlS ENV IRO'-\ i\4 EN1'ALPqO'IEC f ION i\GhNL r 'CornPlainant'JACK BUSI]IY.
ll_llNolS ENVIRONivt EN'|.{L pRO'TECTION AGENCy'SRESPONSE TOJ.ISPONDENT'S REOTIE-ST FOR A I-IEARINGNow coMES the c.nrplainant, lllinois Environmental protcction Agency, by au<l throughonc ofits attomels, Robert J.
Scherschiigt, and pxrsuont to Ss.ction l03.140 ofthe lllinois Pollurron
control Board's Procedural Ru!es,35 lll.
Thc Illinois EPA has no objection to the Board sening rlris nrauer for hcaring. Illinois ti060l
Assistant CounselDivisiou of Legal Counsellllinois Environnrental Protection AgencyI 021 North Grand...
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