CLERK’S OE Page 1 of 1SEP (122010John Therriault - Re: Radiochemical Test Methods STATE OF LIJNOPollution ControlFrom: Mike McCambridgeTo: Churilla.Patrick@epamaiLepa.govDate: 8/31/2010 10:53 AMSubject: Re: Radiochemical Test MethodsCC: Crowley, Kathleen; Girard, Tanner; Johnson, Tom; Therriault, JohnAs stated in my response to the second segment of what you have forwarded, I appreciate your efforts.
I will send them in
2 e-mails so the e-mail files won’t be to big.
I note that in 40 CFR 141.25(a), table and note 8, USEPA authorizes use of “EML Procedures Manual,’ 28th
(1997) or 27th (1990) Editions, Volumes 1 and 2” for various regulated radio...
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