OF THE STATE OF ILLINOISIN THE MATTER OF:Adjusted Standard Petition ofCabot Corporation,from 3S Ill.
Eric E.
Boyd, Esq.
131 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois 60603 ReceiVECLEF¥<'s OFFlceDAUG f 62010STATEOFILUPollution Control=dPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have today filed with the office of the Clerk of the Pollution ControlBoard an APPEARANCE and RECOMMENDATION OF THE fi.,LJNOIS EPA, copies of which areherewith served upon you.
Code 738, Subpart B.
ENTRY OF APPEARANCENOW COMES the undersigned, as counsel for and on the behalf of the EnvironmentalProtection Agency of the State of Illinois, and hereby enters hi...
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