ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARDNOVEMBER 19, 2009IN THE MATTER OF: IJtC i i•STATE 0FPollution Control BoardDEFINITION OF VOM UPDATE, USEPAREGULATIONS (January 1, 2009, ) RlO-7through June 30, 2009)(Identical-in-Substance Rulemaking)REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS at the hearingof the above-entitled cause before MICHAEL J.
McCAMBRIDGE, Hearing Officer, taken before
Bonnie C.
Bettinger, Certified Shorthand
Reporter within and for the County of Cookand State of Illinois, 11th Floor, Room 500,at the Illinois Thompson Center at the hourof 1:00 PM on the 19th day of November, 2009.
Included in this identical andsubs...
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